How to conserve fuel

Ways to conserve fuel and minerals

  • Use used cooking oil as fuel.
  • Switch to alternate sources for coal and petrol like solar energy and reduce their usage.
  • Oil/fuel transport by pipeline
  • Avoid idling.
  • Buy a fuel efficient car and recycle engine oil.
  • Proper recycling of minerals.
  • Use minerals in sustainable manner.
  • Efficient and planned utility of minerals.
  • Use air conditioners or heaters only when needed.
  • Switch off the car on traffic signals to save fuel.
  • Find alternates that can renew or are in enough quantity.
  • Work along with government voluntary organizations.
  • Conduct seminars, workshops, exhibitions, rallies, competitions, etc…
  • Spread awareness through environmental education and similar examples.
  •  Preference should be given to use renewable resource like wind/solar energy and hydroelectricity.
  • Reduce their use by public transport or carpool.


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