
Showing posts from June, 2020

Let's conserve our future on this World Environment Day Please see to the video by clicking the link above.

Be inspired to save our planet from these ants

Hello Everybody! Nice to meet you all again. Today I am going to tell about hardworking ants who work very hard and also help in healing the nature. Here I will also share some extra information from THE TIMES OF INDIA.   ‘Ants are amazing scientific and social beings — we humans need them' Why are ants called scientific marvels? There are so many scientific facts about ants. For Example:- almost every ant without wings is a female. These female ants do all the work in ant colonies-they gather food, dig tunnels to expand nests and even fight battles.. Males have wings and their only role is reproduction. In fact, males die shortly after mating, while the new queens fly off to start a new colony. Ants are also incredibly strong- some species can carry 100 times their own body weight.  Imagine what we could accomplish with that strength. What are some vital environmental roles ants perform? Ants are ecosystem engineers, which means that they can create and modify t